Depression does not define us, no diagnosis can.

You are much too amazing and intricate of a person to be summarized as a single word. However words hold power, and they have exactly as much power as we give them. As someone who lives and recovers through multiple diagnoses sometimes this can feel overwhelming and even discouraging. What I have learned is that resilience is built through struggles, and wow I would have preferred not to struggle at all, I am a very resilient person, I think you are too.

So how do we face each day when symptoms are mounting and it all feels overwhelming? I have learned to take it one day, one step at a time, and sometimes one deep breath. Taking care of yourself in whatever way you can that day can be so helpful. Sometimes that is a full morning routine, other days it is getting out of bed and brushing your teeth. Depression can feel like a dark cloud or a heavy wet blanket, so whatever you can do each day to keep moving forward, is enough. You are enough, you are an amazing human being with so many intricacies and things that are unique to you. The light that you bring to this world is a special one, a needed one, even when things feel hopeless, even when they feel like they are never going to get better, please know your life holds meaning. The one thing consistent in life is change, and that means things could get better.

Things that have helped me on my own recovery journey are leaning into my support, asking for help when I need it, taking breaks, and doing things each day that I enjoy even if just for a few minutes. Developing healthy coping skills like meditating, journaling, taking walks, listening to music, or inspiring podcasts has been a game changer. Developing a daily routine that I can adapt to has been so helpful in helping me get the things I want to get done. These are some of my wellness tools, maybe they would also help you, but if they don’t that is ok. We each have a wellness toolbox and what is put in it is up to you.
In my lowest points of depression, it felt like the lights had been shut off, years later the light did come back on. If you are going through a tough time please know you do not have to go through it alone, if you have trusted people in your life please talk to them. If you do not or do not feel comfortable doing so there is Peer Support, Drop in Centers, and Therapy, and you can always contact Crisis by calling or texting 988. we all struggle, and positive support can make all of the difference. I know they have in my life, and they can in yours too.

So what are some other words that could describe you besides depression? I challenge each of us to make a list. Maybe your list says Courageous, Creative, Kind, Strong, resilient, fun, creative. Maybe your list says even more than you ever thought before.You are so much more than a diagnosis, you are uniquely you, and this makes all of the difference.