Who Are You?
"I Think, Therefore, I am"
I am sure each of us looks into a mirror at least once a day, and this may even be an understatement. As we use our mirrors daily even mirrors in public places, what are we expecting to see? Indeed, we see the "mirror" image of ourselves, but are we looking more intently at who we are down to our very inner being?
When I look in the mirror, I see my reflection and think to myself: Who am I? What am I doing? Where am I supposed to be? I question my values; I seek a humble spirit and work to maintain wellness by balancing my life responsibilities.
I realize it is good to say "no" to people with the hope I can be more accountable to myself without regret. I have learned that my true ability is set forth and takes place when I can assess situations and work to problem-solve through a technique called Brainstorming.
As I reflect in the mirror, I see my image and then begin to realize that I have made extraordinary progress with creating, developing, and utilizing Wellness Activities for my benefit and I can share these activities with other people. Wellness Activities - Strategies are only as helpful as you make them be.
I would like to dedicate Man in the Mirror: The Art of Brainstorming to natural supports who challenge me weekly to be a better person. In my experience, natural supports are not easy to find as it is a relationship based on mutual trust and respect.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Man in The Mirror: The Art of Brainstorming.
I think, therefore; I Am, and as an Individual working on wellness activities weekly, I have found that creativity works best for me. Sure, I can go to the doctor, or chiropractor, or seek medicine, but I like to be proactive to feel productive with my day. I have discovered and am working to develop Wellness Activities that promote better self-worth and help to deter signs and symptoms of mental health. My preliminary observations are that my wellness activities help me to stay alert, focused, self-fulfilled, and more content.
To begin, I find it useful to work on Circuit Training. C/T is cardio exercise incorporating four or more recreational activities to help with exercise and improve cardiovascular functioning. This may consist of multiple activities like driving the golf ball, shooting hoops, jump roping, bouncing a tennis ball, flying a kite, and hitting baseballs to name a few.
Secondly, Pet Therapy is a true sentimental strategy for relieving stress, tension, and undue burdens. Pet Therapy can be utilized at any time including when at work or away from home in general. Make a photo gallery of your pet and even add videos of your pet which can provide reassurance until you are home. I have personally seen Pet Therapy in action where the pet and recipient feel a mutual effect and it’s wonderful.
Thirdly, Alternative Therapies in general are extremely beneficial for optimal health but it comes at a price tag. In particular, a Hot Steam Shower can wash away the mask, dirt, film, uncleanliness, and feelings of the day and can help to renew your body and mind. This promotes cleanliness and is invigorating.
Fourthly, Window Vision / Recovery Garden. This newfound concept is a product of the Corona era. If you happen to feel closed-in and shutdown in your home, or perhaps you need something different on “one of those days,” using your window to craft it, design it, and doodle, at a minimum can make the difference between boredom and panic to self-fulfillment and accomplishment. You can draw, write, tic tac toe, decorate, and make your Window Vision as you like. Window Vision can lead to a Recovery Garden. In fact, I had a peer who created a Recovery Garden with dirt, gravel, sand, grass, cheap lawn ornaments, bird feeders to top them off well, and wind chimes. The R/C can be any size.
Fifthly, changing the recovery environment is a good strategy to break up your day. This can be used during long days, pass off boredom, or ugly weather, or help maintain your daily schedule by observing organization. Consider this, your Kitchen can be used for cooking time and opportunities to be creative. One should be open to social opportunities here. The bedroom is for personal time or acts as prayer meditation and reflection. Your porch can be used for reading, writing, or creative activities. To the point, each room has its own purpose.
Sixthly, develop a Hygiene Kit that can be mobile and addresses all the personal wellness grooming needs at home and away from home. Then H/K may include Gum, Mints, Comb, Floss, Lip Gloss, Nose Spray, and Deodorant—we can add hairspray, gel, or hair wax. Tailor it according to your needs. It helps me feel renewed and refreshed.
Seventhly, the newfound concept of a Stress Table has also opened the idea for a Recovery Bar. To this extent, the art of brainstorming…I have seen the Stress Table be the size of an End Table to the size of a Coffee Table—it is what you make it to be. The S/T consists of incense, candles, gum, a stress ball, dominos, a craft, a coloring book, a notepad, a radio, a newspaper, and a coffee/tea maker. Time at the table to help focus and destress.
Additionally, the Recovery Bar can align, say, complement the Stress Table. This is one wellness Activity that is still a work in progress. The Recovery Bar is envisioned to be a place for improved eating habits. Ideally, a small mini fridge with juice, soda, and snacks. The perishable food is replaced weekly and offers a welcoming environment where one can engage in conversation via social hour. To reiterate, work in progress. The Recovery Bar name is subject to change, and currently juggling names like Wellness Bar, FitBit Area, and Happy Time Grill to name a few.
The final entry to provide is utilizing Natural Supports. I view Natural Supports as a trusted and respected person you know who is not family nor a treatment provider, whom you can talk to about certain things. I have seen Naturals Supports created through fellowship and time be successful. I have seen great things happen within the spiritual community. Use Natural Supports for a mutual relationship; keep in contact with them monthly and welcome social opportunities as this is a healthy practice and may enable better opportunities for you.
Truth be told, I have had natural support, it can be difficult and challenging so I work to maintain contact with people throughout the year. This may be a simple telephone call to a letter or sending a greeting card. These gestures are strong and sentimental and go along.
Are you with me? If so, well done! This blog was written to capture your interest and not bore you. If I were to choose one Wellness Activity that helps keep me feeling refreshed, I would say the Hygiene Kit. It has an edge advantage ever the other W/A because I like to feel reinvigorated. To this day, I have a Hygiene Kit with me to maintain my feeling of refreshment.
To conclude, I have had extensive experience with the Art of Brainstorming and have shared these ideas with family, friends, and peers. When recovery is about what works for me, dealing with life stressors; feeling anxious, or short-term, cyclical signs and symptoms, thinking creatively to be proactive and something more has been the hallmark of my recovery experiences. Please, present these ideas to your family, friends, and peers as creativity is good!