12 Step programs are Spiritual programs. The 12 steps are based on Spiritual principles. It is in this understanding that these programs have guided countless people toward sobriety and serenity for the last 89 years, and it is in the acceptance that we are powerless, but our Higher Power is all powerful that those who enter ‘the rooms’ will continue to find refuge.

Step 1 & 2 found us desperately flying the surrender flag and seeking a sanctuary that could save us from ourselves. Step 3 led us to recognize that there is something bigger than ourselves- a Higher Power. Many call this power ‘God,’ some think of their higher power as the group, or the universe, but all choose to trust this power to create the changes needed to recover. Step 4 caused us to look inward to uncover truths/defects about ourselves, and steps 5 & 6 asked us to look upward and admit to God the nature of these defects, and become ready to lay the defects down, while picking up a new way of life. STEP 7 requires us to ask for help; not just ask, but HUMBLY ask HIM to take the defects far from us. STEP 7 can be both simple, and very challenging. Many believe that asking for anything is a sign of weakness and have developed the “I can do it myself” mentality. Humility can be perceived as weakness, inability, and failure. The 7th Step, however, is a powerful step that assures us that our higher power has our back, and is willing and able to make the changes in us that we cannot make by ourselves. The humility required in this step takes great strength and faith, as we are willing to accept help from the God of our understanding. It is “letting go and letting God.”
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change.
Courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Try as we might, we have not been able to escape our shortcomings (defects of character) . Our RESENTMENTCONTROL*PROCRSTINATION*UNFORGIVENESS* among others, have become a way of life. Finding the strength to accept that it not in our power to change, but it is our Higher Power that will take these burdens away will provide serenity.
This change will come as we change:
* our words- we are humble, we ask- through prayer and meditation- for help. We ask as often as necessary.
*our actions- we allow our Higher Power to work in us to respond and act differently than ever before.
*our thoughts- we think before we act speak, we weigh the pros and cons, and we think of consequences and rewards .
The rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step Groups use this prayer:

My Creator,
I am now willing that You should have all of me, good and bad.
I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows.
Grant me strength I go out from here, to do your bidding. Amen.
Spirituality and faith, willingness to be humble, acceptance, and the desire for personal improvement are the keys to Step 7 and to recovery.
Holly Girty, Supervisor II